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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Tarrie and Kirsten
Originally uploaded by Tavie
Birthday's over and it's another day. I wanted to say a little more about the party now that the beer buzz has worn off.

I'm not a party person. Not at all. Not even remotely. In fact, I was kind of apprehensive about this whole enterprise, but Kirsten and I both thought we should do something extra-ordinary to commemorate this, our last important birthday for the next 10 years. And 30 is such a grown-up sounding number. I mean, the fact that I have my 5 closest stuffed animal companions living within arm's reach is now officially pathetic now that the gauge has turned over the 30 mark.

Don't care, though. I've been in a strangely good mood since the weekend. Oh, it will wear off as the reality of all the calories and my obesity and dead-end job and wretched internal monologue kick back in, but I'm sort of riding on the buzz of this adulthood thing. I love the things about me that are sort of immature - the Disney fixation, the fact that my iPod has every song from "The Care Bears Movie" soundtrack on it, the fact that Pooh Bear and Baby Hugs are right over there (and they say hi, by the way.)

I think the good mood stems from the fact that so many of my friends were there, and that I really have so many good friends, and that beer makes socializing with people so easy that I really did have an awesome time at that weird Nazi beer hall that wouldn't let Gina bring the cake in because of some made-up health code excuse.

Ooh, the cake. There's a show on TLC called Cake Boss that Gina and I have started watching, because it's filmed at that bakery on Washington Street. You know, the one every Hobokenite passes twice a day as they walk to and from the PATH. (Unless they're lazy bastards, like me, and take the Light Rail most days.) I got my birthday cake from them last year, although it was only big enough for 3 and nowhere near as extravagant as the monster that Gina got Kirsten and I on Saturday. Way too fancy for the likes of us, and quite delicious.

We ended up eating the cake at my friend Staci's house - she, the warm-hearted Born Hostess who invited us all to pile into her boyfriend's car and Steph's minivan, clown-car style, and thus a great deal of the party ended up in her place eatin' cake and dancing bawdy dances.

My dear friends, Beth and Nathan, came all the way from South Jersey to be with us; my friend Oscar came all the way from Sweden and brought a cute Swedish friend; Billy Hot Chocolate, Celebrity Blogger was there; Drunk Urkel and his Slightly-Less-Drunk Urkel Friend were there, and Amanda and Lummis and Cassimus currently-from-work, and Caroline and even Gochman-formerly-from-work-who-Kirsten-says-now-looks-like-Heath-Ledger; Camille came from Queens; all THREE Stephanies, and Kathy and Lucy came; my baby brother and his lady love Joanna were there. All sorts of people made the trip from boroughs, townships, states and countries near and far to be with me and K on our birthday. And so many strange and wonderful occurrences: Gina got drunk! Amanda and Staci and Kirsten and I sang Blind Melon in the rain! Yes, most shockingly of all, Kirsten did, in fact, show up for her own party!* It made me feel really happy and really loved.

So let's see how long I can ride on this before work and reality can pummel me into being depressed again.

*Not a given.