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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Jen P (I can't link her real blog because it's a secret) is coming over in a couple hours.

This makes me think of how much I used to live my life on the internet and what good friendships I've let fall to the wayside by my inability to sit in front of the computer for very long anymore (thanks to the whole sitting-at-a-computer-all-day that is my work life.)

Man. I had some great friendships. Hours and hours in chat rooms laughing our asses off. It's odd to me that I haven't seen Jen in about 6 years, and that I've really only met her "in person" twice (I think.) That's weird. She was the first person I saw Scott Thompson perform with; Ade and I went to L.A. and had meals at that diner, and Book Soup, and hung out in the Shmardilla apartment while Ge(nius)rard read our tarot cards. (He was into Asstrology. That's what he called it.) And after the Newsradio taping Ade and I went to (or maybe it was before), Jen P came to our hotel and we watched a Star Trek TNG episode in our room together. "Tapestry". And we played lots of Word at a Time-- in person. To break the ice. And we went to some coffee place with Caroline and I spilled mocha on myself.

I miss Ade.

Anyway... so... then I haven't seen Jen in six years and we haven't emailed much becuase she moved to Japan and kept moving her blog around and then she got married to an Australian and moved to New York and I didn't call her for two months because I don't call anyone ever and I think the Effexor has stopped working because I don't want to see or talk to anyone ever. (Honestly, the only thing that excites me is the thought of a trip to Disney World, or a new Kids in the Hall tour. You know, the oldies.)

Then she guilt-tripped me in my blog comments and I finally invited her over, because I love her. Do you know, she's seen my sister more recently than I have? How surreal is that?

What was the point of this ramble?

Oh, I know: I don't miss the sitting in front of the computer for 12 hours a day and sleeping the other 12, but I miss the laughing. And I miss my friends. Cyberfriends are real and we spent a lot of quality time together.