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Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Since I'm in the habit of posting something every day I will, but I don't have much to say. Today wasn't much different than yesterday.

Oh, I made real fried chicken for the first time ever, and ate real fried chicken for the first time in over a year. Thank you, Atkins Bake Mix.


My favourite part of the day is coming home and spending time in my apartment. On Friday it will have been an exact month since we moved in. It's almost put away, there's still some things to be done. But it's great. That's why I want to come home every day after work, that's why my friends think I'm boring. But I've never lived in such a nice, clean, pretty place before.


I've lost a couple of things, somewhere in the unpacking/shifting process. I had a picture of my Dad in the White Mountains when he was a little kid, that I'd put in a silver frame that I snitched out of my parents' closet of things they were given for their 25th wedding anniversary (TEN years ago!). And a white handkerchief with red roses that used to be my grandma's. And a yellow quilted "O" that I've had my whole life (Kirsten has a red "K", and without the "K" the "O" was just a circle, I'd never noticed that before, is that a metaphor for something?) and they were all here on my windowsill in my new room and somehow I put them away somewhere and now they're lost. I've looked in every possible place they could be in this room, and the room is quite small, and they're just not here. I don't understand it. I'm certain I'll come across them years from now, possibly the next time I move.


I went home-- my parents' home-- on Sunday and had dinner with the family and the cats were very standoffish at first. But when I got into my bed the Stinka climbed on me and presented his belly for scratchin' just like I'd never left. I sure miss those putties.


...that's really all I have right now.