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Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Of course this morning I show up in an extra-warm sweater and fingerless gloves, and now it's too warm in here.

Saw El Rey last night with Mom and Gina-- ai-yi-yi, it was fantastico! Interestingly enough, the same opening act that we all loathed in the damp, crowded, pneumonia-laced chill of last year's El Vez Mex-Mas show--one Tammy Faye Starlite-- was actually pretty funny last night. I especially liked when someone dropped a glass at the bar and she announced that Jesus prefers Tanquerey. I guess it was just hard to laugh at songs about shaving one's vagina whild frozen and cranky.

But the true magic happened when El Vez took the stage. Magnifico! Now I can't imagine Christmas without him. I do so love the song about the oranges for Christmas in the red mesh plastic stocking.

Before the show, we were vegging out on the steps whilst that nice long-haired El-Vo backup-singing starlight-flashing gentleman was setting up the stage lights, and he chatted us up a bit, asking how we got into The King.
"Well, through Crissy," we said.
He got all excited! "Crissy Guerrero! Oh! How do you know Crissy?"
Sheepishly, "Through Dave..."
"OH! You're friends of DAVID!"

And, really, there's no better way to explain it than that. So, yeah! Okay! Everyone else in the world seems to accept this, so I will too!

"He's the nicest man! Oh, we're going to be seeing him tomorrow when he screens his Christmas Special!" crowed the El Vo.
"I know," I said sadly. "I'm so jealous."
"Which I choreographed," he added proudly.
"So how is it?" we said. "We won't get to see it here until next year." (Technically true, Canuck-tacts or no!)
"Oh, it's WEIRD," he gushed. "Dark and cheesy lighting, it's really... WEIRD."
"In a good way?" I said.
"Oh, YEAH! It's GREAT!"

I'm so jealous, ai-ai-ai!

Anyway, the show, I could have watched that man-- El Vez, I mean-- dance and sing all night. I got a copy of his new CD, Sno-Way, Jose, and "Maria Christina (sic) Guerrero-Foley" has the most fabulous solo in the first track. Muy caliente.

El favorito de mi madre was the song about Guadalupe.