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Sunday, January 13, 2002
A rare weekend spent at home (as opposed to home) means a weekend of too much sleeping and too much eating, with the inevitable side of guilt.

Watched Castaway because it was on. ("Look what I have created! An unnecessary film!")

Some good news in the form of Steph being able to go with us to Disney World after all! She's flying home early, but, dammit, this is a bit of brilliance on the part of my clever mom, finding a one-way fare back to NYC for forty-four dollars so Steph can come back and register for classes she doesn't want to take.

Speaking of classes, I am still 3 credits short of being a full-time student next semester, but I procrastinate. Since I still haven't gotten my anthro credits transferred, I am once again saddled with a semester of classes I'm not terribly interested in taking but will anyway because I have to take something. So I'll be learning about:

  • Modernist Poetry - Because I don't know anything about poetry and also Ade says that most of e.e. cummings' work can be sung to the tune of "Magic Bus".
  • Intro to Linguistics - Because I seem to like linguistics, and someone's got to teach me not to.
  • Ancient Comedies in Translation - I don't know why. Because I took a classics course once and I really loved the professor (who will not be teaching this class)?

So, that's that. I still need three more credits to get health insurance, so I guess I'll have to do something about that.

There's an honours course called "Language and Knowledge" that I really want to overtally on, so if I'm real lucky I'll be taking that in the place of Modernist Poetry.

Does anyone care? Well, if you post your schedules I'll pretend to care about that, too.

This computer is so goddamned slow that I never want to look through my disks for stuff for this, or really do much of anything on it.

Now for a bubble bath.