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Monday, October 22, 2001
Okay. Four things, then, and I shall proceed with getting to work already so I don't get fired for surfing the internet all day.

1. Reading Goose's interview with my new secret gilfriend Georgia Hubley made me feel all kinds of things, but above all an intense yearning to be a high school student at Goose's school, and at a Yo La Tengo concert.

2. I scored 100 out of 180 on that lesbian test, meaning I am more than half lesbian. Surprising. I thought I would lean more towards heterosexuality, but online tests do know more about me than I do.

3. Apparently, no one is passionate about anything. This could just mean that no one who reads my blog is passionate about anything, due to the fact that reading my blog sucks all the zest for life out of everyone. Wow, I'm powerful.
But, man, more people responded to my 84 Charing Cross reference than to my call for passionativity. (I just made up a word, you like?)

4. My paper is due in a week. My sense of impending doom looms larger by the hour. Help me pick a topic, will you? From what I can decipher from the topic list I hastily scrawled into my notebook, my choices are:

-Child porn and John Stuart Mill's notions on harm/offense distinction
-Feminism vs. Post-feminism and Does economic equality equal equality? (Huh? What'd I write there? Is that a separate topic?)
-Beauty (What, just beauty in general? Sheesh. Wait, I think this one means I have to cite every single text we've read so far, and since I haven't read all of the texts, this may not be a good choice)
-Birth control and abortion: religious aspects, when does the soul exist? etc.
-Prostitution and international trafficking thereof (can we also use Mill's harm/offense stuff here, or is it only to be about forced prostitution/slavery, which is a different issue? Why am I asking my blog?)
-Genital mutilation and relativism (fun for all!)

Okay, so, apparently my notes make no sense. Also, we can't use internet sources, which means I have to drag my sorry ass to the library. Fuck, I'm not gonna get this done, am I? Okay, so help me decide...