Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Monday, September 29, 2008
Whoohooo! Three days in a row! I think that has to be some kinda personal record. I am now (mucho belatedly) watching the presidential debates which i dvr'ed. While this is the most animated that i've ever seen mccain (well, for *him*), i still can't stand to listen to him or watch him. it's not quite the nails-on-the-chalkboard that GWB has been but, after watching him for a while, i feel as though i ate a ton of bad food and there's no tummy aid in the house. :::acidy belch:::: that point aside, while i feel like i'm doing what I should by watching the debates, i still don't feel as though i've learned a whole lot and some of that may have to do with the fact that my mind is solidly made up as to whom i'm voting that i've finished patting myself on the back for the relatively easy task of slightly changing the appearance of my blog, my next task will be to attempt to figure out how to permanently add more pictures since I want to display my kitty babies. if i disappear for a few days, i've inadvertently caused my blog to self-destruct and am actively seeking tavie's help to fix it.This is of Mitt-Mitt (or, as he is sometimes referred to, "Plopper") on the left and Chu-Chu (or Chooch), who is posing less than ladylike as is her frequent habit, on the right.There is another kitty story that those who don't live in my immediate vicinity may not know about. It's not entirely pleasant but such is life. Soon after I adopted Chu-Chu and Mitt-Mitt, they came down with upper respiratory symptoms complete with eye irritation. Pretty soon, Simon also had the same symptoms. We were all constantly at the vet and frequently changing meds in an attempt to get the symptoms under control. We finally found out that they all had a herpesvirus infection (actually quite common in cats) but, by then, simon had developed an ulcer in his eye that (as per a veterinarian ophthalmologist) went right down to the basement (i.e. last) membrane. it was heartbreaking and we worked like hell to keep him on track with his medications but ultimately the pain was way too much and our only option was to remove the eye. His pain was instantaneously alleviated and he returned to our old Simon right away. He's still my handsome baby boy (see below) but it broke my heart to have to do that and I felt displaced guilt for some time. but now I have one BIG happy kitty family...okay, i admit it, occasionally simon gets into a mood like an uncle who's sick of having the "kids" around; however, for the most part, i'm very glad I have each one of them!
a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 21:23

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