Goth Sunshine
Words from a walking contradiction.

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Saturday, May 05, 2001
just sitting here waiting for my sleeping pill to kick in...i don't know why but i put on these long-ass fake nails and i can't *do* anything.

my therapist is trying this strange method where she has me focus on a problem or feeling and waves her hand in front of my face...apparently it is supposed to train both sides of my brain to concentrate on it and thus work to resolve it...this should prove interesting.

ooops, pill's working...good ni--zzzzzz

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 01:02

Friday, May 04, 2001

today was a pretty good crush sitings today but i had one yesterday (we practically ate lunch togeter : *) of course, i barely glance at the guy, don't say anything directed at him and then just sit and pine when he gets up and leaves. sighness...

after work we had band practice which consisted only of me, scott and drummer and no other singer : P we nailed the cover that we are trying next "sister don't cry" by collective soul. i think i do a rockin version if i say so myself i may even be developing a band-related crush which would combine my highest dreams and my greatest anxieties. please, don't let it happen. the carnage would be too great!!

after practice, we stood outside scott's house and a plane flew right in our view of the moon creating a lovely silhouette. even the guys had to agree. but then brainmaster scott while trying to see the moon through his telescope thought it looked too blurry so he came to conclusion that he was too close and started to back up. i said, "scott, you're too close to the *moon* but you think walking backwards the length of your yard will make a big difference"

i'm learning how to be around guys again even in little nonsexual ways like today i dressed a wound for a fellow bandmate and gave him a shoulder massage which is something i have not done in over four years. i almost thought i forgot how to touch a man. well, teach me, teacher...homina, etc. gotta get my horny ass to bed. busy weekend ahead and another whole day at work (ooh, crush #1 sitings ::crosses fingers:::)

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 00:55

Thursday, May 03, 2001

this is somewhat of a "test blog" to make sure i am doing this right. what i posted last night isn't up on the site yet but it is on my "edit page" : P

hey mon, gotta go to work!

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 07:31

Wednesday, May 02, 2001

poo...i tried to post this before but i got a "cookie error" message (same one i got the first time i posted) only this time it didn't go through. so here's another shot:

here i am, blogging as promised...feeding my cat, callie, french fries and schmearing grease all over my webtv keyboard : P
i'm getting a little worried because for the last two days everyone is asking me if i am losing my voice. i don't have a cold or anything but my voice fades in and out. and a week from friday the band and i are supposed to go to the studio in town to record the songs we want to put on our cd. so i'm a little concerned but if i rest it and drink lots of tea, etc., it should be fine.

got band practice tomorrow night but i will try to blog after that. i really want to make a habit out of doing this. i like it...

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 23:35

thank you, tavie!! it's early and i have to go to work but i will post more when i get back...MWAH!!

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 07:19

Good to go!

a bad case of verbal diarrhea from Cheryl 03:37